NESTOR project joins forces with H2020 BES Cluster

The H2020 BES Cluster currently consists of 14 projects. The aim of the H2020 BES Cluster is to provide relevant information to support the dissemination and communication activities of the projects, inform about good practices and methodologies to combine pilot activities as well as work together on future policy suggestions. Additionally, the H2020 BES Cluster cooperates for a wider impact of the Sustainability exploitation plans of the relative projects.

The NESTOR project joined the H2020 BES Cluster to exchange information, share tips, organize everyday dissemination activities, call for support and communicate projects’ activities. Especially, the H2020 BES Cluster supports the projects to upcoming challenges, ensures effective dissemination and exploitation potentials, and generates knowledge to broaden the communication results.

The 14 members of our H2020 BES Cluster
