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NESTOR representatives participated in the third edition of the Projects to Policy Seminar (PPS) event held in Brussels, Belgium from 30th June 2022 until 1st July 2022. The PPS two-day event was organised by European Commission (DG HOME and REA C2). The main objective was to establish communication between the projects and relevant Commission services.

Additionally, both the two days of the PPS event was crucial to ensure that relevant policy drivers are well understood and integrated into the actions from the early phases of the projects which were participated.
The first day, was dedicated to workshops between European Commission policy officers and Project Representatives. The second day started with workshops and concluded with a plenary session to address communication, dissemination and exploitation issues.

The fundamental scope of the event was to raise awareness of research projects among civil security policy makers in the European Commission (e.g. DGs HOME, ECHO, ENV, SANTE, ENER, TAXUD, etc.) and to help projects to understand how they can best contribute to the implementation of related policies.

NESTOR representatives had the opportunity to collaborate and create synergies with other related projects.

We would also like to thank NESTOR representatives for the participation and for the great work.

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